
Showing posts from January, 2010

bumps on the road of life

This past weekend I unfortunately suffered a miscarriage. It was a rough experience, fortunately I was at the hospital and had my best friend (Jason) with me and it was bearable. For the most part I am doing fine. I feel better everyday physically. I think it's the emotional side that hurts the most and holds you back. My body needed little medication to ease the pain, but I wish I could take a couple Tylenol to make this emotional roller coaster feel more like a nice calm boat ride. There's really not a lot to be done. Your filled with hormones and then dealing with any loss is tough. I cried for 3 days straight and I felt a lot better or maybe my eyes were just too swollen to keep up at that pace. I still get a little sad when I see the ultrasound pictures we had at 7 weeks, we heard it's heart beat and I was optimistic that despite it measuring small, and being put on a medication (progesterone) that made me nauseous, emotional, irritable, and sleepy, and a feeling o...