The final chapter of the Buchanan saga

It's official - we heard the heartbeat on Wednesday - this is the cause of my nauseated state of being 24/7. There is actually a little peanut causing all this havoc on my body. Everything seems to be going really well. My progesterone levels were low so they put me on a supplement and I'm trying to live with the side effects while Jason claims there are no big changes (I always break out crying, right? - ha, ha, ha)

Actually, it does have a slew of side effects, but I seem to be affected by 3: sleepiness, irritability, and anxiety. Serious anxiety over the littlest dumbest things (makes me crazy) and it sucks that my one good quality (patience) is in short supply. Yesterday during preschool my kids were looking at me like 'why does she think she has to bribe us for every little thing?' - please, please, please put your shoes on, I will give you an m&m - come on just help pick up, I will give you and m&m - poor things. Luckily it will just be 'til I reach 13 weeks and the placenta can kick in and do it's job.

So mark you calendars - the official due date is JULY 15th (but keep in mind NONE of my kids came on time... ) so let's really plan for JULY 22nd, a week late is about right on for my babies.

p.s. and yes this one will be a surprise as well... we will probably let our kids name it (after the first couple we lost interest). Paige has already picked out Gavin for a boy and she said Lilly for a girl which is cute, but Jason really liked Eleanor, (however you spell it - Elenore, Elanore) when we were trying to name Paige and I'm coming around. We could always call her Elle or Elli.


Melissa said…
Congratulations!!! How exciting!
oh my goodness what fun! congrats! So sorry you have the sickies! I feel your pain! I was SOOO nauseated with each one! blech!

Merry Christmas!!!!
Rachel said…
Cannot wait for the final Buchanan to make it's debut. I vote Eleanor if it's a girl. Just in case you're tallying up votes. :)
Abby Runyan said…
I'm excited for you. Not the prego part but the having a baby!!! I'm due May 12th so our kids will be friends. Seriously, we need to get together!!!
Unknown said…
Congratulations... :) What excitement!!! I hope the sickies go away soon. No fun being sick...
Madison M said…
I was just screaming at mom about the news; then Rod turns around and says, "You didn't know?" So apparently my family has know for days and hasn't bothered to tell me. CONGRATS! This might complecate next summer (if it even happens) but I would love to help out! (free baby sitting wink wink)I like the name Eleanor, and Ellie is even cuter. Can't wait for the next update!
tricia said…
maren i didnt know you were preg-ers again. thats awsome. congradualations. wow that's four right. cool im happy for you. darla is about to have her 3rd and i only have one. i need to catch up. lol. some day. thats cool.
Anonymous said…
Maren, I have to vote for Eleanor, you know I love that name!!! Well, I'm super excited for you guys! The world can never have too many cute little Buchanan kids. Good luck with the morning sickness, potatoes and coke were my friends when I was going through it.
Anonymous said…
Congratulations to the Buchanan family, what fun....though maybe not too much fun for mommy right now. Thanks for sharing and Merry Christmas.
The Baker Family
Barbie said…
Congrats Maren and Jason. You have a darling family.

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