just the usual

 I found these pics in my camera. These were my helpers for holiday baking. I think these were from November.

 Paige has always been with me in the kitchen - a huge help and interested in baking, cooking, etc.

 This one is mostly interested in tasting.

 and licking...

 oh, look messy hands? I don't understand how they could have gotten so dirty.

can you find the baby in the mountain of laundry? 

 oh, there she is...

 now who does she look like? we ask ourselves that daily.

 just a little smile - I love it. I could look at that face all day.

Sunday morning cuties! 

 They were playing Star Wars before I took these. They were having a 3 way light saber battle. It was quite funny to watch.

 James would get hit and die, while Paige could only be maimed. Abbey was just the unexpected jab to the knee or stomach.

There's my cutie. Sleeping like an angel. 

 angels? not so much, but they are pretty good kids. I guess I'll keep them.

 Dosn't James look handsome with a tie on? I about died when i saw it. He hasn't ever worn one. He says they choke him. I wonder what changed his mind?

 I went into the girls room about 3 hours after they went to bed. I could hear something and wasn't sure what it was.

Abbey was singing to her microphone in the spotlight of a completely dark room. My flash kind of ruins the effect. I was laughing so hard.

Check out Paige - totally crashed while Abbey auditions for American Idol. 

 This is the bouncer baby Elle sleeps in at night. Abbey was so being so quiet one afternoon and I told the kids to look for her (usually she sneaks in the dog room to feed them raw pasta, or snack on their food or goes outback to play in their water dish)

but I found her fast asleep in Elle's bouncer with Elle's binks in her mouth and a really dirty face. I love this girl so much! 


I need to see my cute nieces and nephew!! Elle is getting so big!
Jill Manning said…
Oh my gosh, I was dying at these pictures!! Especially of Abbey and her microphone. That is so funny that she found a spot light to perform under. Wanna ship her over to AR for a few days to play with us?
Aubrey said…
Maren! She is darling...all of your kids are darling, but this is the first time I have seen your baby in the flesh. I love it, and I hope you are well.
Tara said…
Your kids are beautiful. I wish I lived close by you and could be their Aunt Tara. Wish we could hang out in your kitchen and talk and eat yummy things while our kids were crazy together.

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