thare be rough water ahead...

Arrrggg, I just had to post this picture of Captain James. Today at Miss Maren's preschool we had our pirate day, it was so fun. The scalawag's (boys) loved the indoor treasure hunt and finding the treasure with pirate tattoos. The perfect ending to a grrrreat day matie.

looks like a had just a wee too much of the capt'ns rum... whatever keeps things going. Don't worry I kep' it all to me self... arrrgghh.

* Check out Miss Maren's blog for more pirate adventures and a mini pirate movie:


Nikki said…
I wish I had a kid old enough to come to your Miss Maren's Monkey Preschool. It sounds like too much fun.
Jill Manning said…
Um...can I go to preshool at your house? There is no doubt that it was a blast!
The MacMizzles said…
You could not be cuter my sweetie! I am loathing the fact that my children cannot come to your preschool. You are so much fun, and I must say, your pirate vernacular is so funny. You go girl,...once again you have upped the bar for choosing a preschool.
Christie said…
I'm sorry we missed pirate day! Looks like it was lots of fun. Cade adores you!

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