tribute to my boy

I think there is a very important reason why Heavenly Father made our own kids so cute to us, and that we can see ourselves and others through them. It's for all the times they say: "Mom, your a bossy Gordon-head" or "Mom, you are grounded from me", or "mMMMMhhhhh" (aka sticking out tongue), or the heart breaker "I hate you" - yes. my 3 year old says that almost daily and usually when he is on time out. That one I always have to restrain myself from being mad and remind myself that he is 3 Years old.

HF having greater wisdom then us, knew that we couldn't stay mad or even get upset when we see ourselves or hear our own voices in our little ones. Nothing melts me more then when James crawls in my lap and tells me "Mom, let's be best friends okay" or out of nowhere say "mom... I love you." Which he does all the time. I love that we are together during the day. Just me and my little buddy. He is such a helper and always wants to lift heavy things for me to show me how strong he is. He loves to help me in the kitchen and just hold onto me while I'm busy... cooking, cleaning, on the computer etc. He is at times my greatest frustration & my greatest comfort.

I think I love James so much because he reminds me of two of my most favorite men. My dad is the world's greatest! (I have 10 others who will back me up on that) He has always loved me unconditionally and been a source of humor and family loyalty. He loves his children fiercely and is only happy when we are in close proximity to him - he would have all his kids still living at home if he could. I would be lost without him as my anchor.
Jason is my best friend and understands me. He loves my silly quirks that embarrass me and really listens. He is the best partner and father to my children. He plays with our kids all the time and loves taking trips with them. We are a strong family unit because of him. He teases and plays and keeps things light-hearted and me always smiling. He wakes up and holds me when I have a bad dream and takes the sting out of heartache. He wakes up with the kids - probably more than I do and checks on them to make sure they are sleeping peacefully every night. There is no one I could be married to as long as we have and still be madly in love with. Jason takes all the bad in stride and never holds me back. He believes in me and loves me.

They have left big shoes for James to follow - but he's my boy and I know he will make me proud.


disneyking said…

Great Post! I absolutely love your Dad as well. He will always be one of my favorite people in the world. And I'm soo glad you found Jason. You deserve someone that will treat you like the amazing wife and mom that you are. Jason is truly the man, the myth, the legend!
Thanks for feeling me on the Darkness thing. I'm glad you have a room totally devoid of light as well. You, me, Robert Smith and Tim Burton!!!!! :)
Jill Manning said…
That was a great post! James has always been a super handsome boy but my goodness, he is so cute with his air all spiked up!!!! I love it!!!
Stacey said…
thanks for reminding me! I can never stay mad at Jace. He's just too darn cute. What a nice tribute to the men in your life. :0) P.S. James told me today that I'm grounded. It cracks me up.
Bubbly Faces said…
Was I not just saying this morning how MUCH I love Seth and how he was up for adoption? I think I was suppose to read your blog today and remind myself how much I treasure even the hard days. Thanks!
Beka said…
cute pics of JAMES, he is a cutie! i know i'm scared of how i will react when my boys start getting attitude!!
The MacMizzles said…
Sweet sweet sweet. I feel you girl. The same day my 3 year old boy locked me out of the house, he also did the sweetest thing. Unconditional love is what has kept the human race alive and well. James is so cute, my sister always says, if they like time out or the discipline you are doing, you beter try something else. So, you can also smile inside knowing that time out is working when he says those words to you.
Stacey said…
Maren, thanks for the comment. You always have the best lines!!! I think I should do Mona Lisa next and see if I get any play-dough enthusiasts to bid. :)
Abigail said…
Those were some sweet words for both the men in your lives but I bet both of them feel the same ways about you. You are a neat person Maren and a good Mom.
Anonymous said…
Cool post Maren. I must especially agree with you that 'Uncle T' rocks!!

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