my apron makes it big...

My apron made it into a photo shoot (in New York) to be featured in the Hallmark Magazine. To hear about more of the details - click here (above a picture of me during a preschool photo shoot)

to read why there is such a hullabaloo over a slightly homely apron... click here.


Kat said…
Lookin' good hottie pants! And your aprons are amazing! I will be expecting one in April the 23rd is my birthday! I am not askin' missy I am tellin'!!!
Joele and Matt said…
Congrats on the apron story!! That is an awesome apron too:)
Jennifer Greer said…
I love the Apron! As always Maren, you did a great job. P.S LOVE THE NEW BLOG!! Looks awesome!!!!!
Unknown said…
Ohhhhh.... that's a fun one! I saw your blog on someone's blog roll and saw the word "apron" and had to click! I love aprons. My signature apron is black and white.

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