Garage Sale for Joseph

This is a REMINDER about the benefit garage sell in behalf Joseph Runyan (Abby & Todd's son) who has autism. It is going to be Friday the 14th & Saturday the 15th. It's being held at the Neilson's house (Joseph's grandma - across the street from Mesa High). Last night my sewing group hosted a "Sew for Joseph" Night. We made aprons for adults & kids in fall and Christmas fabrics. Thank you to all those ladies donating their time & talents for this cause. Aprons make great Christmas gifts! Thank you as well to everyone who has made a donations or dropped stuff by. I have received numerous phone calls & donations from our neighbors & friends.
Abby says, "THANK YOU so much it really means so much to me and my family. It's going to be a great sale with lots of great stuff ( things from Decor Unique too) so don't forget to come and check it out." We will have a table set up with all the aprons on it. Also, if you have anything at all to donate, now is a good time to clean out before the holidays get here and Joseph is the best cause. Even if you think your stuff isn't worth anything, a dollar or quarter is better then nothing. Please call me if you need any bulky items picked up. Feel free to leave your stuff in my carport. There are quite a few bags out there already. Or if you want me to pick up a bag of clothes, toys, whatever. Again, thank everyone for being a part of this. And tell your friends & neighbors to come & shop!

Valerie Nielson
1202 S. Williams cir
Mesa, AZ 85204
p.s. We will also be doing on online raffle in the next couple weeks with a really cute Christmas Apron made by my sewing club (or just me). Please check back later to bid on it.


Chicky said…
I wanna see pictures!!! ;)
Maren said…
They actually did very well. I talked to Abby and she said that she only expected to bring in a moderate sum for both days. They superceded her expectations the 1st day and our group sold all but 2 aporns. There was so much stuff there on Saturday and she said they had sold at least a few times over the day before. Thanks again Everyone!!

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