creative outlet

"Who knew that sewing would make me ... feel happy, feel like myself, give me a sense of accomplishment and purpose, help me be more patient and content. Who knew some simple stitches could complete your life? :) Maybe that's how it is in life, you need to find your own "stitches" whether its cooking, sewing, writing, organizing, scrapbooking, it's something and its YOURS. So, I'm grateful today that I was able to enjoy some simple stitches last night that put a smile on my face." - Stacey Reed


RatalieNose said…
Love that woman!
Love you!
Stacey said…
thanks for the tribute :) Good luck on your thesis! You are amazing! I can't believe all you've accomplished. Way to go! You and Jason should go on a trip to celebrate....without the kiddos!! I think you said you haven't done that in years. You deserve it.
Hey do you mind if I join the par- tay? I LOVE your blog page. You crack me up. Your fave cuz Michelle
When the children were growing like weeds in a garden and needed that extra attention, this was my therapy even though it was also a nessecity in our home which always brought peace, enjoyment, accomplishment and a labor of love. I hope you never minded wearing the labor of love for you.

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