best news I've heard in 9 months!

Yesterday I started my weekly OB appts. She checked & of course I wasn't dilated and the baby had a firm grip on my insides. This one will probably have to be drug out kicking & screaming like the other two were, but on the brighter side - the Dr. said since James was 10lbs. 2 oz. They will induce me at 39 weeks! That's just 4 weeks from now and two weeks earlier than I had anticipated. I am so ecstatic! It looks like baby Buchanan will come closer to Sept 11th instead of later. How cool is that?


The Blakes said…
That is great news...I'm a huge fan of being induced! I can't wait to meet the next Buchanan!!!
Nikki said…
Yea for you, that is really good news. Good luck!

I voted and I think you are having a girl. Can't wait to see!
That is such great news!!! I vote boy.
RatalieNose said…
yayayayay!!!!! cant wait to meet the Bouncin Baby Boy Buchanan!!!!
~Nikki said…
YAY! Nice pic of your womb :) j/k I vote BOY! :)
Abby Runyan said…
LUCKY! I vote a boy so James will have a little brother. Lets get to together before this little tike comes!
Genna said…
Boy all the way! Just because I know that they are great!
jon♥kara said…
That's so exciting. What a beautiful belly shot. I guess it's another boy!

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