It's a James day

Since last weekend Jason & Paige had a Daddy Daughter Date by default (James had fallen asleep and couldn't be awaken). They went to see Hotel for Dogs & then went out to eat at Lonestar. James was mad when he woke up, so I promised him a day where he & I would hang out and just do things he likes to do.
So we went to the park in the morning & took all new sand toys (so he wouldn't be "sharing/taking" them from other kids with responsible moms that remembered to bring them). We stayed at the park for a couple hours with tons of kids he knew and plenty of babies to kiss on. Then went to Peter Piper Pizza for lunch. We took his best friend Cade with us and met up with Olivia & Reece (two other kids he loves). They had a blast. We had to pick up Paige from school but after that we went and got ice cream cones from McDonald's. How's that for a Mommy Son Date?