with a little help from my friends

So I just posted this on the SSC, but I'm posting it here as well. As many of you know, (or not know) I'm in my last semester of grad school at ASU. Right now I'm working on my thesis, the title is "Those who stitch together, stay together; the modern June Cleaver's Relationship with online group blogging and an offline social sewing community"... 

So basically I'm examining a women's community's relationship between blogging online and offline social connections. I'm focusing on the SSC, but I'm also looking for some other outside perspectives.

SO this is where you come in. I'm looking for willing blog readers, stalkers, lurkers, friends, or relatives (like they read my blog by choice) who will fill out a survey for me in the next few days and have it back to me in a week or so. You just need to be a wife, mother, grandmother with a creative outlet (sewing, scrapbooking, cleaning, etc.) and a blog. Are you up for it? If your in just send me an email to: maren_buchanan at yahoo dot com, to let me know your interested. Thanks!


RatalieNose said…
Hmmm...not a wife, mother or grandmother yet....darn.
I would've loved to help you out!
Annette said…
I'll help but you know me. You'll have to help me write. I love ya!

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